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From style tips and hair care techniques, to understanding hair loss and advice on what to do, to testimonials and customer feedback, we cover it all in the Dermatach blog!

There are 2 new treatments and solutions that have been rising in popularity over the last 5 years - we are talking about Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) and...

| #dermmatch

Zinc is one of many incredibly important nutrients in our diet that help us to maintain healthy bodily functions. Zinc in particular is used to maintain correct immune...

| #dermmatch

From the dawn of time mankind we have looked high and low for a solution to hair loss, leading to some bizarre solutions that you should definitely never...

| #dermmatch

Hair Transplant Surgery is a often seen as the pinnacle of hair loss solutions and also the most extreme solution you can go for. Surgery is an option...

| #dermmatch

A lot of people feel like they are suffering on their own when they are suffering with Hair Loss. It's a deeply personal issue that can affect your...

| #dermmatch

Iron is an incredibly important nutrient is our diet and plays a vital role in our body, including for our hair growth. Iron in our diet is used...

| Alopecia