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From style tips and hair care techniques, to understanding hair loss and advice on what to do, to testimonials and customer feedback, we cover it all in the Dermatach blog!

85% of men will have major hair thinning by the time they’re 50. And while hair loss doesn’t harm your health, it can certainly cause emotional stress. Male...

| Hair Loss

It is normal for women to shed some hair each day, but when bald patches or thinning occurs, it may be due to female pattern baldness. Hair is...

| Hair Loss

Spotting Telogen Effluvium SymptomsOur hair has a natural life cycle including growing and resting phases. So it’s very natural and normal to lose between 30 and 150 hair...

| Hair Loss

Do Men Need Hair Conditioner?Many men go through life without ever buying men's hair conditioner, and for good reason. No one sits a man down when growing up...

| Health

Unfortunately, while hair during pregnancy tends to be healthy, shiny, and stronger than ever, post pregnancy begs a different story. If you’re not prepared with pregnancy facts, it...

If you’ve never thought about hair extensions before, there are some great benefits to using them. For instance, they can make thin hair look fuller and more voluminous,...