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From style tips and hair care techniques, to understanding hair loss and advice on what to do, to testimonials and customer feedback, we cover it all in the Dermatach blog!

With UEFA European Football fever growing due to the most open competition for years, we thought we would look at the links between footballers and thinning hair.Its fair...

| Alopecia

Male pattern baldness and men going bald has been the norm and often the butt of many jokes between blokes, but baldness and hair loss is not isolated...

| #dermmatch

Hair Loss comes in many forms, with some more predictable and treatable than others. Alopecia Areata comes under the unpredictable types of hair loss, and the underlying cause...

| #dermmatch

The short story is that bald men very well may be more at risk than men with a full head of hair! Research from Brown University, an Ivy...

| #dermmatch

The hairs that are transplanted as part of your surgery are carefully selected from the back of the head. The hairs at the back and sides of the...

| #dermmatch

Saw Palmetto is a popular herbal remedy for hair loss, but is there any scientific evidence to support it? Before we dive into answering that question, what exactly...

| #dermmatch