Ways To Prevent Hair Loss Before It Starts
With so many ways hair loss can occur, most people will likely experience it at some point in time. And no matter the root cause, hair loss can be devastating for the person dealing with it.
Knowing that hair loss is common gives you the power to prevent it before it starts. Here are some ways you can prevent hair loss today:
1. Watch what you eat
The food you put in your body has a massive effect on your hair health. When you’re eating greasy, sugary, unhealthy food, your hair suffers. It’s not as shiny, not as healthy, and it has a greater chance of falling out.
For the healthiest hair, add more protein, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Here are a few food ideas you could add to your daily meals and snacks:
- Fatty fish (salmon) or fish oil
- Sweet potatoes
- Berries
- Eggs
- Avocados
- Almonds
- Red meat
- Beans
It might be tempting to throw your hair up in a simple ponytail and go every day, but that can be harmful to your hair health. When you’re pulling your hair into tight hairstyles all the time, it’s more susceptible to breakage and shedding.
Instead of doing tight hairstyles, try a loose bun, heatless curls, loose braids, or a messy half-up style. Tousled, lived-in hair is on-trend right now, so it should be fun and easy to find a style that won’t tug on those fragile strands.
3. Care for your scalp and hair
If you go to the store and walk down the hair care aisle, you will see hundreds of products that promise to repair split ends, add shine, moisturize, and solve every hair concern under the sun. If you look more closely, it's apparent that a fraction of these products address scalp health, which should be a big focus when trying to help prevent hair loss.
It’s important to care for your hair and give it the nutrients it needs, but keep in mind, healthy hair grows from a healthy scalp. If your hair care regimen doesn't include scalp health, it won't be fully effective. If you want to help prevent hair loss, pay attention to your scalp and learn what it needs. As you do this, you’ll notice your hair becoming healthier, growing more, and shedding less.
4. Massage your scalp regularly
Speaking of scalp health, scalp massages are great if you want to take care of your hair. If you want to get the most out of your scalp massage, you could do a scalp treatment or hair mask along with it.
Most salons, spas, and beauty schools offer scalp massages and treatments, so if you’re looking to treat yourself, book an appointment! It’s relaxing and great for your scalp.
5. Take your vitamins
If you’re low on vitamins, it can have negative effects on your body and your hair. There are many vitamins on the market that are specific to hair, and if you find a good one, it may help with your hair growth and prevent shedding. However, if you’re looking for a comprehensive vitamin regimen that will benefit your hair AND overall health, consider taking these:
- Vitamin A, C, D, and E
- Biotin (B-Vitamins)
- Iron
- Zinc
If you don’t want to take a supplement, you can add food into your diet that is high in these vitamins and nutrients.
6. Avoid excessive chemical treatments
Chemical treatments aren’t all bad – the occasional perm or highlight won't completely ruin your hair. However, if you’re doing it regularly (every few weeks), it can be damaging. Be cautious when you have chemical treatments done, and make sure you do your research to find a trustworthy stylist. Then in between treatments, baby your hair – get a good shampoo and conditioner, do hair masks regularly, and don’t use too much heat. If your hair is damaged, it’s more fragile and likely to break off or fall out.
7. Use the right hair tools
There are thousands of hair products to choose from, and it can be overwhelming trying to find what works best for you. No two hair types are the same, so no two hair tools should be the same. However, there are a few general guidelines to follow when you’re considering what to use:
Pick the right brush – Boar bristle brushes are the best. They’re gentle on your hair and distribute the important oils from your scalp to the ends of your hair for maximum health. And if you’re going to brush your hair while it’s wet, use a Wet Brush. Your hair is especially susceptible to breakage when it’s wet, so the Wet Brush helps minimize that.
Get hot tools with adjustable temperature – Again, not all hair types are the same, so they won’t need the same temperature. Some people can straighten or curl their hair on low heat, and some need high heat. There’s no reason to have your hot tools set on a hotter setting than you need – that will put you at risk for damage, breakage, and hair loss.
Utilize laser hair growth – It’s 2021, which means that advancements in technology have allowed professionals to create hair growth tools that work. Laser hair growth treatments are a great way to regrow hair.
If you're experiencing hair loss the sooner you start treatment the better. By adding things to your diet, switching out hair tools and products you can help promote healthier, more vibrant hair.
How to Get Thicker-Looking Hair if your are thinning!
A simple way to instantly reverse the appearance of hair loss is to use DermMatch. DermMatch can be very helpful as part of the recovery since DermMatch instantly disguises hair loss. DermMatch is loaded with botanical ingredients that coat every existing hair shaft, making thin hairs stand up and spread out for spectacular fullness.
DermMatch Scalp Concealer in only £34.95 and is available here
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